[Breathable Comfort] Ergonomic Memory Foam Neck Pillow with Heat and Vibration Massage, USB Powered, Breathable Design for Bedtime Comfort and Relaxation Aid, No Battery Required, Bedtime Comfort Accessory | Ergonomic Neck Pillow | Mesh Accent Detail, Pil

Na stanie
Kod produktu: 9200
Tryb zasilania:USB
Napięcie robocze:≤36V
Właściwości baterii:Bez baterii
Pochodzenie:Zhejiang, Chiny
Część Ciała:Szyja
Wszystkie specyfikacje
Dodaj do koszykaW koszykuIdź


Tryb zasilaniaUSB
Napięcie robocze≤36V
Właściwości bateriiBez baterii
PochodzenieZhejiang, Chiny
Część CiałaSzyja
Czy Posiada Funkcję EMS?Nie
[Breathable Comfort] Ergonomic Memory Foam Neck Pillow with Heat and Vibration Massage, USB Powered, Breathable Design for Bedtime Comfort and Relaxation Aid, No Battery Required, Bedtime Comfort Accessory | Ergonomic Neck Pillow | Mesh Accent Detail, Pil
[Breathable Comfort] Ergonomic Memory Foam Neck Pillow with Heat and Vibration Massage, USB Powered, Breathable Design for Bedtime Comfort and Relaxation Aid, No Battery Required, Bedtime Comfort Accessory | Ergonomic Neck Pillow | Mesh Accent Detail, Pil
Dodaj do koszykaW koszykuIdź

[Breathable Comfort] Ergonomic Memory Foam Neck Pillow with Heat and Vibration Massage, USB Powered, Breathable Design for Bedtime Comfort and Relaxation Aid, No Battery Required, Bedtime Comfort Accessory | Ergonomic Neck Pillow | Mesh Accent Detail, Pil recenzje

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