Tuya Smart/Smart Life APP WiFi Remote Control Relay Module with RF433mhz, Micro USB 5V, Dual Voltage AC/DC 7-32V, Intelligent 4-Way for Switch with Three Modes - DIY Smart Home and Garage Door Motor Control, Lock Control, Motor & Pump & Curtain Control, 2

BOX+micro USB5V/ac85-250v
Auf Lager
Produktcode: 4018
Betriebsart:Raumelektrik/feste Verkabelung
Batterieeigenschaften:Ohne Batterie
Wasserbeständigkeitsstufe:Nicht wasserdicht
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BetriebsartRaumelektrik/feste Verkabelung
BatterieeigenschaftenOhne Batterie
WasserbeständigkeitsstufeNicht wasserdicht
UrsprungGuangdong, China
MengeBOX+micro USB5V/ac85-250v
Drahtlose KommunikationstechnologieWi-fi,Funkfrequenz
Tuya Smart/Smart Life APP WiFi Remote Control Relay Module with RF433mhz, Micro USB 5V, Dual Voltage AC/DC 7-32V, Intelligent 4-Way for Switch with Three Modes - DIY Smart Home and Garage Door Motor Control, Lock Control, Motor & Pump & Curtain Control, 2
Tuya Smart/Smart Life APP WiFi Remote Control Relay Module with RF433mhz, Micro USB 5V, Dual Voltage AC/DC 7-32V, Intelligent 4-Way for Switch with Three Modes - DIY Smart Home and Garage Door Motor Control, Lock Control, Motor & Pump & Curtain Control, 2
Quantity: BOX+micro USB5V/ac85-250v
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Tuya Smart/Smart Life APP WiFi Remote Control Relay Module with RF433mhz, Micro USB 5V, Dual Voltage AC/DC 7-32V, Intelligent 4-Way for Switch with Three Modes - DIY Smart Home and Garage Door Motor Control, Lock Control, Motor & Pump & Curtain Control, 2 Bewertungen

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