Ewelink APP 12 Channel Wifi Remote Intelligent Relay Type-C 5V 7-24V 12V Power Supply, Smart Home Device Control Switch Supports RF433 Remote Control Z, Supports Point-To-Point Self-Locking Delay Timing Switch, Supports Cycle Timing, Supports Smart Speake

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Produktcode: 4017
Betriebsart:Raumelektrik/feste Verkabelung
Batterieeigenschaften:Ohne Batterie
Wasserbeständigkeitsstufe:Nicht wasserdicht
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BetriebsartRaumelektrik/feste Verkabelung
BatterieeigenschaftenOhne Batterie
WasserbeständigkeitsstufeNicht wasserdicht
UrsprungGuangdong, China
ArtikelTyp-C5V DC7-24V Stromversorgung
Drahtlose KommunikationstechnologieWi-fi,Funkfrequenz
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Ewelink APP 12 Channel Wifi Remote Intelligent Relay Type-C 5V 7-24V 12V Power Supply, Smart Home Device Control Switch Supports RF433 Remote Control Z, Supports Point-To-Point Self-Locking Delay Timing Switch, Supports Cycle Timing, Supports Smart Speake
Ewelink APP 12 Channel Wifi Remote Intelligent Relay Type-C 5V 7-24V 12V Power Supply, Smart Home Device Control Switch Supports RF433 Remote Control Z, Supports Point-To-Point Self-Locking Delay Timing Switch, Supports Cycle Timing, Supports Smart Speake
Items: Type-C5V DC7-24V power supply
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Ewelink APP 12 Channel Wifi Remote Intelligent Relay Type-C 5V 7-24V 12V Power Supply, Smart Home Device Control Switch Supports RF433 Remote Control Z, Supports Point-To-Point Self-Locking Delay Timing Switch, Supports Cycle Timing, Supports Smart Speake Bewertungen

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Mindestbestellwert beträgt 25 Euro
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