TV Antenna Indoor 3 meter line Length, Digital Amplification indoor HDTV antenna, 1080P VHF UHF TV Local Channel detachable signal Amplifier and 16.5ft coaxial cable support: HDTV, DVB-T2, DTMB, ATC, DVB-T, DMB-T, ISDB-T, ATSC, DAB/FM

Produktcode: 3365
Batterieeigenschaften:Ohne Batterie
Drahtlose Eigenschaft:andere drahtlose Funktionen
Ursprung:Guangdong, China
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BatterieeigenschaftenOhne Batterie
Drahtlose Eigenschaftandere drahtlose Funktionen
UrsprungGuangdong, China
Drahtlose FunktionNur Radiosignale empfangen
TV Antenna Indoor 3 meter line Length, Digital Amplification indoor HDTV antenna, 1080P VHF UHF TV Local Channel detachable signal Amplifier and 16.5ft coaxial cable support: HDTV, DVB-T2, DTMB, ATC, DVB-T, DMB-T, ISDB-T, ATSC, DAB/FM
TV Antenna Indoor 3 meter line Length, Digital Amplification indoor HDTV antenna, 1080P VHF UHF TV Local Channel detachable signal Amplifier and 16.5ft coaxial cable support: HDTV, DVB-T2, DTMB, ATC, DVB-T, DMB-T, ISDB-T, ATSC, DAB/FM
In den Warenkorb legenIm WarenkorbGehen

TV Antenna Indoor 3 meter line Length, Digital Amplification indoor HDTV antenna, 1080P VHF UHF TV Local Channel detachable signal Amplifier and 16.5ft coaxial cable support: HDTV, DVB-T2, DTMB, ATC, DVB-T, DMB-T, ISDB-T, ATSC, DAB/FM Bewertungen

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