Cloud Lamp, DIY Fun, with dozens of colorful light effects, supports voice control to imitate thunder and lightning, can be controlled wirelessly or via APP, used for party activities, e-sports rooms, and bedroom decoration, BINDLAN

Produktcode: 2193
Lichtquellentyp:LED Lichter
Batterieeigenschaften:Nicht wiederaufladbare Batterie
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LichtquellentypLED Lichter
BatterieeigenschaftenNicht wiederaufladbare Batterie
Spezifisches AnwendungsszenarioDekoration
WasserbeständigkeitsstufeNicht wasserdicht
Drahtlose Eigenschaftdrahtlos, mit App-Funktion
Nicht wiederaufladbare BatterieKnopfzelle (Durchmesser≥20mm)
Leuchtdichteweniger als 100 Lumen
Cloud Lamp, DIY Fun, with dozens of colorful light effects, supports voice control to imitate thunder and lightning, can be controlled wirelessly or via APP, used for party activities, e-sports rooms, and bedroom decoration, BINDLAN
Cloud Lamp, DIY Fun, with dozens of colorful light effects, supports voice control to imitate thunder and lightning, can be controlled wirelessly or via APP, used for party activities, e-sports rooms, and bedroom decoration, BINDLAN
In den Warenkorb legenIm WarenkorbGehen

Cloud Lamp, DIY Fun, with dozens of colorful light effects, supports voice control to imitate thunder and lightning, can be controlled wirelessly or via APP, used for party activities, e-sports rooms, and bedroom decoration, BINDLAN Bewertungen

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Mindestbestellwert beträgt 25 Euro
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