Ultra-Thin Flexible LED Scroll Sign with Wireless & App Control, USB Powered for Car, Bar, Game Room, Office, and Advertising - Customizable RGB Display for Decoration & Art Creation, Game Room Lighting | Vibrant Display | Durable LED Lights

Produktcode: 2330
Lichtquellentyp:LED Lichter
Batterieeigenschaften:Ohne Batterie
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LichtquellentypLED Lichter
BatterieeigenschaftenOhne Batterie
Spezifisches AnwendungsszenarioDekoration
Besondere MerkmaleBildschirm
WasserbeständigkeitsstufeNicht wasserdicht
Drahtlose Eigenschaftdrahtlos, mit App-Funktion
Größe16*32 Pixel-512LED
UrsprungGuangdong, China
Ultra-Thin Flexible LED Scroll Sign with Wireless & App Control, USB Powered for Car, Bar, Game Room, Office, and Advertising - Customizable RGB Display for Decoration & Art Creation, Game Room Lighting | Vibrant Display | Durable LED Lights
Ultra-Thin Flexible LED Scroll Sign with Wireless & App Control, USB Powered for Car, Bar, Game Room, Office, and Advertising - Customizable RGB Display for Decoration & Art Creation, Game Room Lighting | Vibrant Display | Durable LED Lights
Size: 16*32 pixels-512LED
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Ultra-Thin Flexible LED Scroll Sign with Wireless & App Control, USB Powered for Car, Bar, Game Room, Office, and Advertising - Customizable RGB Display for Decoration & Art Creation, Game Room Lighting | Vibrant Display | Durable LED Lights Bewertungen

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Mindestbestellwert beträgt 25 Euro
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